To all great friends and respectful players of sniffmouse.

Hello my dear friends!
Are you enjoying the games? I hope so.
I read all your comments and always try to answer them.
If you like the games and you want them to become better and better then you have the opportunity to help and here is the place to do that!
I am asking for a donations from your side, to make this site better. All the money will go on the web page.
As you can see below, the last time I reached the goal, I started to release the games at a new level. They became higher quality and they loaded a lot faster.
What you will get? The first thing is to get less ads on the page. I know that you don’t like them, but try to understand me – that is the only income for the games I am making.
Second thing – faster loading = happier players. Am I right?
I am not hoping for a lot, but I hope that there are some users that can support this page!
Wishing you a good mood and see you in the next game!!!
